Best Card Games for Drinking Night


Maybe you’re like me: perhaps you’re not a real heavy drinker. Sometimes I neglect it altogether. However, it’s a fun way to hang out with friends by playing cards. The constant interaction including the cheating tricks in card games will make everyone part of the party; no one gets left out. I love these games below, and you can try any of them.

Ace of Spades

cardsThis game is for the lonely drunk who likes to get drunk quickly alone. Place the deck. If the cards picked are not an ace of spades, you have to take a drink. You can drink as much as you want at any time. Beer is recommended for this game. I thought this game was great. But if you take a face, you drink according to the head: the jack is one, the queen is two, the king is only three, and the ace is four. If you cancel a face, then you must discard cards according to the surface.

Bastard Cards

The accuracy of the forehand shot is used to determine the position of all players in subsequent hands. The object of the game is to discard all the cards. In the beginning, you may place one or more cards of the same value in your hand. Those who follow you must lay down a card of equal or higher value. You must also use exactly as many cards as you can. If you reclined two 9s, they will want to lay down something higher or equal value. If the participant lays down the same specific card as the previous player, they skip another player and need to drink. Also, if you can’t play some of your cards, you must jump and drink. Cards are removed when everyone has made a two.

Circle of Death Cards

cardsYou start with one person drawing a card from the deck and continue drawing. The person must do something that matches the card drawn, as follows: 1–6: If it’s red, you want to drink. A black 4, and then draw an 8 to whoever wants it. 7-8: Ladies and Gentlemen drink. 9: Rhyme: Pick a note and start rhyming across the circle with that note. The first person to break, repeat a note, or say something that doesn’t rhyme must drink. Kings: The first two people who draw kings can pour as much beer into the center glass as they want. 

Drug Dealer

There should be a genie and a king along with the cards. Players only look at their cards. The participant with the genie is the drug dealer, and the person with the king is the cop. The dealer has to wink at the other players. Any player who sees the wink must say, “The deal is done.” For each mistake, the policeman must drink for 5 minutes. Players can bluff and pretend they noticed the wink even if they didn’t. This game is suitable for large groups because it makes it harder for the cop to guess.